Comicon 2003
Comic book illustrator Jacob Hair "Chicken Soup For Satan," insane asylum escapee Robert Steven Rhine and his partner Frank Forte of Asylum Press and FrankenRhine Productons at their Comic-Con booth. Toxie, of Troma Films fame, detoxifies Rhine and Forte's Asylum Press booth. Satan's Mistress, "Satana," holds R.S. Rhine's new best seller comic book "Chicken Soup For Satan" at Comic-Com International 2003 at Rhine and Frank Forte's Asylum Press booth.
Illustrious illustrator Bernie Wrightson endorses R.S. Rhine's comic book "Chicken Soup For Satan" San Diego model Alexis Demko, AKA "Satana," with corpse Smiling "Chef' Jack, courtesy of grave-digger/prop-maker Kevin Klemm of the Ed Gein Collection. How's this for a horrific combo? Horror writer Robert Steven Rhine, Johnny Whitaker ("Family Affair"), and Lardman from Troma Films.